Real Wisdom Working Model

“Well being is a skill that can be cultivated and trained.”
Richard Davidson – neuroscientist

Transformational coaching at Real Wisdom builds on a few simple, intuitive and ancient wisdoms or truths. Scientifically, our approach is solidly founded in neuroscience. However, as you engage with the model, you will be able to ‘know and feel’ that this is true of yourself, and life in general. You will know this is the skillset you want to build.

Underpinning our approach are building human hope, courage, compassion and resilience, to take skillful and wise action.

The Real Wisdom Working Model presented here meant to be represented as intentionally simple, and represents how we function as effective, resilient humans, and how we can be at our best. It builds across 2 dimensions (purple arrows).


Dimension 1: the 5 Aspects of Human Being

When we as humans are at our best, and feel fulfilled, connected and resilient, and we are fully aware of and in control of how our first 4 parts working in harmony:

  1. Our thinking brain (IQ), which is the domain of conscious and intuitive (unconscious) thoughts, reasoning, logic and sense-making, and our psyche
  2. Our emotions and feelings (EQ), which is the domain of passion and compassion, inspiration and influence, and emotions as intelligence
  3. Our physical presence (Somatic Intelligence), which is the domain of courage and action, getting things done and overcoming fears, deep listening and impactful speaking. Our body also provides us with accurate and current information about our wellness and our relationship to our environment
  4. Our instinctual body represents a combination of ancient survival instincts, such as ‘fight, flight or freeze’, and of moral and universal wisdom. Sometimes we ‘just know’ or feel what is right, deep inside.

The 5th aspect is our observing mind, which holds the master competencies, such as mindful awareness, emotional intelligence, skills such as leadership and stewardship and consciousness.

At Real Wisdom we work with these as our 5 intelligences – each of which can be and is built during our programs and coaching. All of these are part of how we are designed, biologically, neurologically and developmentally. In the model, the 4 core parts of human being echo throughout the model in the shape of 4 radiating pies, each as significant as the other, completely interdependent, and both driven by, and surrounded by mindfulness, from our human core, as true resilience with respect to how we interact with our environment.

In order to build compassion, wisdom, resilience and courage, we need what we refer to as the ‘master intelligence’: emotional and mindful intelligence. Building this is the foundation for all our coaching programs, and forms both the inner and outer circle of the model. During your coaching program you will be taught, experience, and put into practice this foundational skill: the skill to transform our physical and emotional experiences and intellectual insights into intelligence, wisdom and truth, and then making and acting through wise choice, with courage, compassion and conviction.

Dimension 2: the 3 spheres of influence

Uniquely in the animal kingdom, we have an ability to be conscious and aware, mindful, of ourselves, others and our environment. With coaching you learn to differentiate your thought and feeling habits, from truth or reality, in order to make a choice and act with courage. This is mindful awareness, and is the first inner circle in the model, within and immediately around us. This is also the source of emotional intelligence.

We do not live in isolation. We are social by nature, and human connecting and communication is sophisticated. More importantly, we are neurologically wired to belong, to be seen and heard, and to have our voice heard. This is the sphere of connection and trust, and specifically of relational and conversational skills, worked on in the middle circle of the model.

We also live within a community and an environment, which are essential to our survival, individually in any moment, and long-term as species. We intuitively feel this as acute at this time in the 21st Century. Our connection with our environment is complex, and the environment itself is VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). Yet many of our formal leaders seem blind and powerless in its face. They may lack mindful awareness, courage and resilience themselves, challenging their leadership effectiveness? It is not their fault. And, this calls all of us to step up and lead. Starting at home, then within our immediate community, then wider. This is the sphere of influence and inspiration: where we as humans, or parents, or leaders have our impact and leave our legacy, represented by the outermost circle of the model.

Each full coaching program builds skills logically along these two dimensions. Some examples of specific skill themes within our programs include overcoming emotional dramas and outbursts, practicing courage to act, building confidence, consistently having skillful conversations that matter, personal presence and influence, compassion and appreciation, clarity of values and clear decision making, overcoming fear of failure, consciousness, building resilience, work-life balance, the exponential power of combining courage with passion, inspiring others, and many more.

Whilst rooted in neuroscience, integral theory and positive psychology, no self-work is complete without recognizing and overcoming our vices and bad habits, and our destructive self-talk and over-used strengths. These are also central to coaching at Real Wisdom.

If our model speaks to you, this is for you. If you are thinking ‘can it really be this simple?’ – that is a great question. Instead of us answering, check in with yourself: does any of this not make sense? Does it resonate inside you? It may feel out of reach right now, but does it feel right? Let your coach bring these skills into your reach, and into your life.

If you want to know more, then book your free exploratory consultation.





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